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We are starting to make new videos!
The channel will be updated soon and we hope that you will support us with a subscription!

Of the new directions, we will load experiments with Coca-Cola and other soda drinks, as well as toothpaste for elephants and more.

Soon, at least five new directions will appear on the channel.

The world is changing, and with the world we are!

🤗 Thank you all!
❤️ We love you all!
experiment experiments "coca cola" mentos cola bigbamgamer "cola and mentos" "experiment car" "experiment car vs" "vs watermelon" "vs mentos" "cola vs mentos" fanta sprite "car vs" "pepsi vs cola" "cola undeground" "super reaction" volcano "elephant toothpaste" "stretch superman" "stretch armstrong" "stretch batman" "crushing things" "crushing crunchy" test