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My first superhero, Robocar POLI!
Welcome to the Robocar POLI - Nursery Rhymes channel.
It's a Robocar POLI children's song channel that helps children's emotional development and lifestyle.
Let's have fun learning numbers, colors and letters with Robocapoli children's songs!
"Robocar POLI" "Rescue Team" "Nursery Rhyme" "Kids Song" Kids Child Baby "Baby Song" "Children's Song" entertainment "cartoon for kids" cartoon "songs for kids" music "music for kids" preschool "for kids" children "for children" animated character heros rescue police firetruck fireman helicopter ambulance educational robot "robot car" "car animation" car learning "cartoons for children" "#safety education" POLI AMBER ROY "Children song" "best nursery rhyme"