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Selamat datang ke KIGLE TOYS INDONESIA!
Kami membuat video mainan dan game seru untuk anak-anak!
Ikuti kami di YouTube dan nikmati video baru.

Selamat menonton dan jangan lupa SUBSCRIBE!

Welcome to KIGLE TOYS INDONESIA channel!
We create fun Videos, Game, Animation and Toy Play for Kids!
Stay tuned for fun new videos!

Enjoy watching our videos and Don’t forget to Subscribe!

anak-anak "untuk anak-anak" "untuk bayi" "untuk balita" video "tayo bus kecil" tayo pororo mobil kendaraan bus bis pesawat "kereta api" "alat berat" truk "mobil polisi" "truk pemadam kebakaran" ambulans excavator "truk jungkit" "truk beton" buldoser "tim penyelamat" mainan "for kids" "for babies" "for toddlers" "for preschoolers" "tayo the little bus" "toy car" toys "heavy vehicles" "dump truck" truck "police car" firetruck ambulance "bahasa indonesia" kigle "tayo bus kecil"