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Welcome to the Animal Corner! where you can learn about all your favorite animals! Ducks, sheep, monkeys, kittens, puppies, bunnies, penguins, dinosaurs, sharks, pandas, and more!
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The aim of this channel is to support children’s learning and development. Play, sing, and learn with your friends at Moonbug and enjoy the very best selection of cartoons, nursery rhymes, and kids songs about all your favorite animals!

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#Nurseryrhymes #AnimalsforKids #kidssongs
"cartoons for kids" "baby songs" "kids songs" "toddler songs" "abc song" puppy "spooky animals" "animal nursery rhymes" "blippi animals" "sea animals" "marine life" aquarium zoo "farm animals" wildlife "learning videos" "animal kingdom" "tom and jerry" "nursery rhymes" "animal toys" insects oggy "animal planet" "animal sounds" "funny animal videos" "animal cartoon" "cocomelon animals" "jungle book" "magic animals" "Animal TV" "curious george" "peppa pig" "super animals" "animal rescue" dangerous